End-use energy efficiency alone can deliver 35% of the cumulative CO2 savings through 2050 required to meet the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

Efficiency as a Service:
An energetic model for
a brighter Europe
EaaS integrates financial tools to recapitalize technology providers who own the equipment and take on all future costs related to operations and maintenance, including water, electricity, and repair bills.
EaaS can also encourage manufacturers of energy efficient technology to design for reuse rather than obsolescence, thus supporting circular economy.
The entities behind
Efficiency as a Service

For SMEs:
For Providers:
For Investors:
Get involved in EaaS
Receive EaaS
Offer EaaS
Invest in EaaS

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium, which will explore how to deploy servitisation successfully and how to shift from selling assets to selling performance based services.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium. This session will explore the EaaS financial and accounting implications through interactions with highly experienced professionals from the financial and accounting industry.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium. This session will explore the EaaS contractual framework, energy policy and property law for EaaS through interactions with highly experienced professionals.

On February 8, EIT InnoEnergy hosted the first EaaS virtual dialog for the Netherlands. The session discussed the opportunity of Heat as a Service to non-residential real estate.

On July 8, EaaS hosted the first of a series of virtual dialogs. The kick-off session brought together technology providers and financiers to reflect on their experience implementing servitisation for energy-efficient technologies.