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In 2019, CaaS was recognised as the most innovative, actionable and scalable financial instrument to scale up investments inclimate change mitigation.

Space cooling accounts for 10 per cent of the world’s electricity consumption. According to IEA, CO2 emissions from cooling have tripled since 1990 to 1.1 billion tonnes, equivalent to approximately twice the total emissions of Brazil, and it will triple again by 2050. This demand requires innovative technical and financial solutions to guarantee that energy efficient cooling solutions are used and the impact on climate change is limited.
You will discover
The current market and trends in the cooling segment.
· Why cooling is relevant for climate change.
· Mega trend: Servitization across industries.
· The “Cooling as a Service” (CaaS) financial model: how it works, challenges and opportunities.
· How GCPF and BASE can support you in implementing CaaS projects Lessons learnt from a company
offering cooling services.