Les dernières actualités de
l’Efficience en tant que service

On Monday 26 June, Agoria is hoding a matchmaking event on "on "as-a-service models for a green transition" to bring together EaaS suppliers,, users and partners.

This Virtual Dialog will explore the challenges and opportunities of financing circular business models with experts and stakeholders already implementing the model.

In September 2023, the EaaS team interviewed Juan Baldo from Detandt-Simon, on their new EaaS offering in ventilation called V4U (Ventilation for You).

On May 16th 2023, the EaaS Consortium held its third international virtual dialog which explored the challenges and opportunities of financing circular business models with experts and stakeholders already implementing the model.

On April 24th 2023, the EaaS Consortium held its second international virtual dialog which explored the value of circular economy through interactions with stakeholders already engaged in a circular transition. The event brought together experts and solution-providers, describing trends in servitization and their experience with deploying circular economy.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events as part of the European Commission H2020 project Efficiency as a Service (EaaS) Initiative, which will explore the value of servitisation through interactions with stakeholders already implementing the model with assets deployed in the built environment.

On November 10th 2022, Agoria and Febelfin are organising a Workshop with the actors of the financial sector. The aim of the workshop is to come to a common understanding regarding the risks and opportunities associated with the financing and deployment of EaaS and the contractual requirements needed to ensure such a deployment.

On 16 March the second EaaS virtual Dialog organised for Dutch market participants took place . Guest speaker Walter R. Stahel introduced the circular and performance economy before diving into servitisation propositions in food and process industries. Guest speaker Ilmir Gareev of Atlas Copco provided unique insights into an existing servitisation proposition from the perspective of compressed air provider Atlas Copco.

On May 5th 2022, Agoria held a capacity building webinar on “EaaS Financial and Accounting implications ” in which guest speakers explored the challenges and risks faced by EaaS suppliers and financing institutions with regards to financing EaaS and how partnerships can tackle these challenges. Teh webinar also addressed the accounting implications scenarios according to IFRS 15 & 16 for suppliers and customers engaging in an EaaS agreement.

On May 2nd 2022, Agoria held its second EaaS capacity building webinar on “EaaS contractual framework, energy policy and property law”. Find out our key takeaways here.

On April 27th, Agoria held its first EaaS capacity building webinar on “The successful path to servitisation” exploring trends, challenges and success factors when implementing and scaling up as-a-service business models. Find out our key takeaways here.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium. This session will explore the EaaS financial and accounting implications through interactions with highly experienced professionals from the financial and accounting industry.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium. This session will explore the EaaS contractual framework, energy policy and property law for EaaS through interactions with highly experienced professionals.

This Virtual Dialog is part of a series of events in Belgium, which will explore how to deploy servitisation successfully and how to shift from selling assets to selling performance based services.

On February 8, EIT InnoEnergy hosted the first EaaS virtual dialog for the Netherlands. The session discussed the opportunity of Heat as a Service to non-residential real estate.

On July 8, EaaS hosted the first of a series of virtual dialogs. The kick-off session brought together technology providers and financiers to reflect on their experience implementing servitisation for energy-efficient technologies.

This Virtual Dialog is the first of a series of events, which will explore the value of servitisation through interactions with stakeholders already implementing the model with assets deployed in the build environment.